2004/10/15 (fixed in 1.3b):
document fails to compile with \usepackage{xy,listings}
2004/10/07 (fixed in 1.3b):
space after mathescape is not preserved
2002/04/11 (Still open? I haven't checked it's status. Shame on me!):
Missing \endcsname inserted with prosper class
Various packages and classes are not compatible with the key title.
The problem is to remove caption header and delimiter (like points, colons, or spaces) from an unknown \@makecaption.
However, it will work with many packages and others could be modified to cooperate.
You can't use \so or \ul from the soul package as keyword, comment, string or any other style.
Use \underbar to underline keywords; \underline won't be good if you use frames or background colour.